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techgirlbb's avatar
6 years ago

ETE Automation_ Using VDI_With different Userids

Hey, I am working on one of the JSP application,It utilises the SSO to launch. In test instance we have created 4 test id one with different trasactions.

since it is lauches the loged in user Id, I have to lauch it using the VDI( Virtual Desktop Interface)

One ETE scenario constitues:
logging to VDI - Test id 1
Launch the Application
Create request

logging to VDI - Test id 2
Launch the Application
verify Information on the request

logging to VDI - Test id 3
Launch the Application
Approve the request


I have installed the TC on VDI and able to script Create Request.

Now the issue is: This is requiring manual invention of logging and loging off when swithcing between Test ids.
The requirement is automate fully ETE.
I tried using Cd_run as different user.. didnot work.
Is there a way we can automate the VDI logging and logout using TC ?


4 Replies

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    You may try the aqEnvironment.RebootAndContinue() method and check if it works for you.


    Another idea is to setup three different VDIs and start them logging-in as required users. Then, if you have enough licenses, you may consider Network Suite to execute actions on the required VDI. If you don't have enough licenses, you will have to create some driver (e.g. batch file) that will start TestComplete on the proper VDI (via WMI, for example), trigger execution of the required action, close TestComplete and continue with the next VDI.


    One more possible option, depending on the actual need and implementation, is not to use GUI tests but do required actions (verification, approvement, etc.) via API calls and try to tweak them so that they are executed on behalf of the required users.


    • Marsha_R's avatar
      Champion Level 3

      Is there a way we can automate the VDI logging and logout using TC ?

      Since you said that after that you are on RDP, then the answer is yes, but not all in one piece.  RDP is a line that TC can't cross.  You can use TC for VDI login but it won't be able to execute anything on the remote machine, and as you've already discovered, you can manually log on to VDI and then use TC that's installed on the remote machine.

      You'll need enough licenses to implement AlexKaras 's solution in order to automate both sides with TC.




  • Marsha_R's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Did you try recording a test using the steps you just described?  What happened?

    • techgirlbb's avatar
      So far I scripted :create request till log off by accessing VDI, TC instance on VDI.
      I cann’t script the login because I am accessing VDI through RDP of my system, after logging in to VDI I am launching the TC to execute the tests.

      I have scripts for create, verify approve with different users which was scripted on VDI by performing the login steps manually.