Forum Discussion

bhcommunity1's avatar
4 years ago

CucumberStudio-TestComplete Integration, Supporting Test Scenarios that touch multiple Web Apps

Overview: a) We have multiple web-based applications.  It is common for a single test case to interact with multiple web-based applications. b) Using CucumberStudio project to create BDD Scenarios....
  • hkim5's avatar
    4 years ago

    the benefit of name mapping is that it stores the object identifies for the elements that you are interacting with, such that if in a future release, should there be a significant enough of a change in your applications, you test cases will fail but you would only have to update the object identification properties in one place (and all of the tests referring to that object will now be "fixed" - as in no longer has those identification errors).


    with that said, as tphillips  pointed out, you do not need to rely on name mapping for many web applications you are testing since you can just refer to xpath expressions and css selectors using the FindElement() method.

    The downside is that your tests may be more prone to breaking upon future releases and require a bit more maintenance, but if you think that the size of the name mapping repository is a show stopper, this can be a workaround

    def use_no_nameMapping():
      page = Sys.Browser("*").Page("*") #define your web app at the page lvl
      page.FindElement("whatever selector").Click() #now you are interacting with the UI without relying on Name Mapping