Forum Discussion

whuang's avatar
Regular Contributor
5 years ago

Cannot pull new updates from repository

Hi Support,


I originally created some scripts and put them on a project list, commited the scripts and the project to repository after they were completed. The original content were pull down to other test machines as well. I deleted a couple scripts and added some new ones after that, the new scripts were also added to the project list to replaced the old ones, I commited the new changes to repository, but when I pull the updates from repository to other machines, it was showing me a message saying the old scripts were missing, and the new scripts that were added after cannot be found either. I tried to re-commited the new added scripts again, but it doesn't show those scripts as new/modified content anymore, so I guess the new scripts are on the repository already, but I just couldn't  pull them down to other machines. Can someone please tell me how can I fix this?


  • It sounds like a merge of the Scripts.tcScripts file ended up overwriting the old ones with the new ones.  

3 Replies