Forum Discussion

paul_grizzaffi's avatar
Occasional Contributor
11 years ago

Can't catch Error thrown from a method in a different file


Using JScript, I'm throwing an Error from a method (i.e. function on an object) ; the call to this method and the try/catch are in a different file. When the Error is thrown, it is not caught by the try/catch, instead it behaves like an unhandled Error and opens a TestComplete "Microsoft JScript Runtime Error" dialog.

Interesting to note, the code DOES catch the Error if all code resides in the same file.

Am I going about this correctly? Is this a limitation/bug/etc. I need to work around? Any guidance is appreciated.

Code is below.




This code lives in file named MyScript:

//USEUNIT MyOtherFile


function main() {

  try {


  } catch (e) {

    Log.Message("caught my error");



This code lives in file named MyOtherFile:

Obj = {

  thisMethodThrows: function() {

    throw new Error("here's an error");




4 Replies

  • Philip_Baird's avatar
    Community Expert

    Hi Paul you are correct in this is a limitation in that Exceptions can only be caught cross Script Unit if the function is at Script Level


    For example, if Unit1 contains


    function scriptUnitLevel() {

    // This exception can be caught

    throw "Exception";



    var exObject = (function(){

    return {

    objectLevel: function() {

    // This exception cannot be caught

    throw "Exception";





    then only the Exception thrown in the function scriptUnitLevel() can be caught in another Script Unit.

    The work around I use is to have the object functions return Exceptions instead of throwing them and performing type checks on the caller to determine if an Exception was thrown.


    I briefly outline my approach here

  • Philip_Baird's avatar
    Community Expert

    Hi Paul you are correct in this is a limitation in that Exceptions can only be caught cross Script Unit if the function is at Script Unit level


    For example, if Unit1 contains


    function scriptUnitLevel() {

    // This exception can be caught

    throw "Exception";



    var exObject = (function(){

    return {

    objectLevel: function() {

    // This exception cannot be caught

    throw "Exception";





    then only the Exception thrown in the function scriptUnitLevel() can be caught in another Script Unit.

    The work around I use is to have the object functions return Exceptions instead of throwing them and performing type checks on the caller to determine if an Exception was thrown.


    I briefly outline my approach here

  • Philip_Baird's avatar
    Community Expert
    Appologies for the apparant double post, the forum appears to have created a new post for my edit as opposed to editing the original
  • paul_grizzaffi's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Thanks for your quick response.

    This is extremely unfortunate; I'd missed this particular note when I originally read the "Specifics of Usage" info. Between this issue and the lack of Intellisense/code-completion, TestComplete's lack of support for user-defined objects is hindering my ability to create a future-proofed framework inside of the tool.