Forum Discussion

AnneTheAgile's avatar
9 years ago

how to install the plugin that includes AutomationID in the object spy, tcOpenApps2.pls.

The docs say that to be able to get TestComplete to recognize the AutomationID element, I must do two things.

First I must get the extension [1].

Then if I am testing a PowerBuilder app, which I am, I need to tell my project to look at the pbdw* windows [2].


I did the second, but I cannot install the extension.

When I try the install/modify option, I do not get a modify option.

When I look at the folders, eg C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\TestComplete 11\Bin, there is no such file tcOpenApps.pls.


How may I proceed?

thank you!



1.[] ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;  X.Using Microsoft UI Automation Technology - Required Plug-Ins

2.[] ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;  X.Testing PowerBuilder Applications with TestComplete

1 Reply

  • I believe the issue is the machine in question does not have a modern version of Visual Studio installed. After using different credentials to rerun the installer, the modify option showed a section for studio integration. We are investigating this.