Forum Discussion

Deimos's avatar
Occasional Visitor
5 years ago

Trying to write in a LibreOffice Calc document With OleObject



I'm trying to write in a xls doc with LibreOffice, using TestComplete, but I'm having an error message like that:


"[automation bridge] UnoConversionUtilities<T>::dispatchExObject2Sequence \nConversion of dispatch object to Sequence failed!"


The Javascript code is:


function Main() {
  var oServiceManager = Sys.OleObject("");
  var oDesktop = oServiceManager.createInstance("");
  var VariantArray = new Array();
  var myStruct = oServiceManager.Bridge_GetStruct("");
  myStruct.Name = "Hidden";
  myStruct.Value = true;
  VariantArray[0] = myStruct;
  var oDoc = oDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL("private:factory/scalc", "_blank", 0, VariantArray);
  var oSheet = oDoc["getSheets"]().getByIndex(0);


In this line  var oDoc = oDesktop.LoadComponentFromURL("private:factory/scalc", "_blank", 0, VariantArray); I'm having this problem.

Please, Help me!

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