Forum Discussion

guoguo's avatar
9 years ago

Question about value type in the dotNET.System_Collections.Hashtable()?

Hi all,   In our test, we need a hashtable to store the test values. Key is string, value is array. The fDict.Add doesn't work. Does anyone know, how to use dotNET.System_Collections.Hashtable() fo...
  • HKosova's avatar
    9 years ago

    You need to use a .NET array instead of a native JScript array.


    function Test()
      var fDict = dotNET.System_Collections.Hashtable().zctor();
      var arr1 = ["100", "160", "200", "250", "300"];
      fDict.Add("key1", JSStringArray2NETArray(arr1));
      Log.Message(fDict.Item("key1").Length); // 5
      Log.Message(fDict.Item("key1").Get(1).OleValue);  // 160
    // Convert a JScript string array into a .NET string array.
    // JScript: ["a", "b", "c"]  => C#: string[] {"a", "b", "c"}
    function JSStringArray2NETArray(JSArray)
      var separator = " ";
      var separator2 = dotNET.System.String.Copy(separator).ToCharArray();
      var str = JSArray.join(separator);
      var arr = dotNET.System.String.Copy(str).Split(separator2);
      return arr;