Forum Discussion

leandropoblet's avatar
Frequent Contributor
9 years ago

In which way TestExecute modifies the project and why

Hi all,


I've been wondering this for a while. Actually every time TestComplete asks me if I wanted to update the project because of TestExecute's modifications on it.... the thing is TE only executes tests in our case, so there's no way it can have a better/newer version of the project.


Pls see attachments

  • jsc's avatar
    9 years ago

    Can you remove most of the files and still reproduce the problem?


    That's how I did it.

    - copied my whole project suite and script extensions

    - removed project by project and checking if the error still occurrs

    - keeping only one project with one test where no info about our software 

    - removing script by script and checking if the error still occurrs

    - removing all critical data from the script

    - still reproduced it

    > could send it to support 

5 Replies

    • jsc's avatar
      Regular Contributor

      did you compare the files before and after?

      are there really any changes in these files?


      just reproduce the problem with a minimal set of files involved and create a support case.


      we have a similar problem:

      everytime I install script extensions there is a message shown, that I there are changes and I have to save them.

      comparing files before and after shows, that there are no changes at all.


      support at smartbear could reproduce it as well and my problem hopefully will be fixed soon.



      do you run the tests with testexecute on the same machine as you develop the tests with testcomplete?

      we use a different machine and exchange all the files via git. so changes done by testexecute have no impact on our development machine.

      • leandropoblet's avatar
        Frequent Contributor

        Hi jsc,


        I didn't compare the files before and after. It'd be a weird situation since I develop in one machine and execute in another one.

        Every time I close TE it prompts me to save changes... and in every single case it'd update to a previous version so the answer is always no.


        The files are quite a lot. Lots of scripts, stored objects, files, DB, all in one big project suit containing two projects.... kind of difficult to scan every single file for changes.


        Unfotunately I'm not allowed to send the whole project to support guys. They asked me many times but I really can't.


        Using git is a good idea and will prevent TE to modify files, but being in a local environment here doesn't really make sense to us.


        Thanks for your reply and I'll try and see if I can dig further on this.