Forum Discussion

Amrendra's avatar
Occasional Contributor
7 years ago

I have a Excel name "CCP_MARGIN_2017-09-11_risk_cpm_stg.xlsx" in C drive. I am reading it and using

I have a Excel name "CCP_MARGIN_2017-09-11_risk_cpm_stg.xlsx" in C drive. I am successfully  reading it through excellib.excelRW('C:\temp\CCP_MARGIN_2017-09-11_risk_cpm_stg.xlsx').   The Problem i...
  • baxatob's avatar
    7 years ago



    You have a string and one part of this string changes dynamically, right? 


    One way is to create a method which will return appropriate date:


    def get_file_name(date_):
        return "CCP_MARGIN_{}_risk_cpm_stg.xlsx".format(date_)

    Now if you call get_file_name("2017-09-13"), it returns: CCP_MARGIN_2017-09-13_risk_cpm_stg.xlsx


    You can hardcode the date argument or make it more flexible using Python's datetime library.


    For example you can set today's date:


    from datetime import date