Forum Discussion

rushikesh's avatar
6 years ago

How to check if a sheet exits in Excel using Test Complete

My requirement is to check if sheet with name Test is present in a particular excel file. If its not present insert a new sheet with name Test into excel. So how check sheet name and insert new s...
  • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
    6 years ago

    Hi rushikesh,


    Helen has posted a sample script demonstrating how to check if a sheet exists in an Excel file. Here it is:

    var oExcel = Sys.OleObject("Excel.Application");
    var oWb = oExcel.Workbooks.Open("C:\\MyFile.xls");
    var oSheet = null;
    try {
      oSheet = oWb.Sheets("Sheet1");
    catch (e) {}
    if (oSheet != null) {
      Log.Message("The specified sheet exists.");
    else {
      Log.Error("The specified sheet does not exists.");