Forum Discussion

PrecisionDan's avatar
Occasional Contributor
4 years ago

DevExpress RibbonControl object not recognising some item clicks



I use Test Complete on a desktop app that used the DevExpress ribbControl object to navigate around the application. 


I am able to click on items on the ribbonControl object by using the following code:


Aliases["Spry"]["Main"]["ribbonControl"]["ClickItem"]("Home|Data|Table Data");


This will click on the "Table Data" button.


The problem happens for some reason, when I click certain buttons, it just gives me the following code instead of something similar to the one above.


Aliases["Spry"]["Main"]["ribbonControl"]["Click"](572, 123);


I get that when I should be receiving something like :




Any help would be appreciated. I'm happy to post any screenshots/GIF recordings.


Thanks in advance.



  • Hi,

    Just in case, have you tried with the object windowsclass of the ribbon stored in the MSAA list ? (Project\Properties\Open application)

2 Replies

  • m_essaid's avatar
    Valued Contributor


    Just in case, have you tried with the object windowsclass of the ribbon stored in the MSAA list ? (Project\Properties\Open application)

    • PrecisionDan's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Thank you,


      Yes, adding the object WndClass to the Open Application MSAA settings did fix my issue with button recognition. 


      It also solved some other issues I was having with test complete not recognizing buttons on a DevExpress popup menu.


      - Dan