Forum Discussion

msal4434's avatar
Occasional Contributor
8 years ago

Comparing 2 xls files with the specific column.

Hi There,


I need a little help to compare attached sheets A and B.


I am able to read A and B files separately and can display the output.



Read value  A1, D1 from A.xls if A1 value available in b.xls then compare A.A1, A.D1  with B.A1, B.E1. 


would like to compare all the values in the same way.




Reading from A.xls
Sub Readfromexcel()  
   Set Excel = Sys.OleObject("Excel.Application")
    RowCount = Excel.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
   ' log.message RowCount
    ColumnCount = Excel.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
    'log.message ColumnCount
    'For i = 1 To RowCount
    for SI = 1 to ColumnCount  
      For SJ = 1 To RowCount
        Ss = Excel.Cells(SJ,SI)
        'log.message S
        SCV = "3"    
            IF Ss = SCV then
                  For SInn = 2 To rowcount
                    SCC = Excel.Cells(SInn,SJ)
                    SHV = Excel.Cells(SInn,SI)
                        If SHV >  0 then
                            log.message "State:" & Ss
                            log.message "Charge Code is avaliable in Source file:" & SCC
                            log.message "Value is Zero is avaliable in Source file:" & SHV
                                '' Export from VIP Net
                            log.message "State:" & Ss
                            log.message "Charge Code is avaliable in Source file Price is zero:" & SCC
                            log.message "Value is Zero is avaliable in Source file:" & SHV                          
                        end if              

            end if    
                Exit For        
End Sub
Reading B.xls
Sub Readfromexcel()  

                       Set Excel = Sys.OleObject("Excel.Application")
                        'Opening the VIP Net export file
                              VRowCount = Excel.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
                              log.message VRowCount
                              VColumnCount = Excel.ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
                              log.message VColumnCount
                                              For EVIPI = 1 to VColumnCount  
                                                            For EVIPJ = 1 To VRowCount
                                                              EVIPs = Excel.Cells(EVIPJ,EVIPI)
                                                               ECV = "E"          
                                                                  IF EVIPs = ECV then
                                                                        For EVIPInn = 2 To Vrowcount
                                                                        EVIPHV = Excel.Cells(EVIPInn,EVIPJ)  
                                                                         If   EVIPHV > 0 then
                                                                        EVIPCC = Excel.Cells(EVIPInn,EVIPI)      
                                                                                          log.message "Charge Code:" & EVIPHV
                                                                                          log.message "Price:" & EVIPCC    
                                                                       end if    


5 Replies

  • Ravik's avatar
    Super Contributor

    Instead of writing two different program for reading data from sheet A and B. Create two Workbook/Worksheet object and read data. read from one and compare with other if the data matched then do further action.


    Parameterize your anyone method which is accept data and compare.


    use Excel method for comparison like -


    Function compareExcel

    Set exo = createObject("Excel.Application")

    exo.visible = True

    Set wbo1 ="C:\xxxx\TestExcel_1.xlsx")

    'Set wbo2 ="C:\xxx\TestExcel_2.xlsx")


    Set WSO1 = wbo1.worksheets(1)

    Set WSO2 = wbo1.worksheets(2)

    'Set WSO2 = wbo2.worksheets(1)

    For each cell in WSO1.usedRange

    'Comparing sheet A value with sheet B (Column by Column comparison - You need to modify as per your test)

    If Cell.Value = WSO2.Range(Cell.Address).Value Then

    cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 0


    cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 3

    End If


    End Function



    might be this help you.

    • msal4434's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Thank you for your reply.


      We changed excel file name and try to run the script we are getting the attached error.


      Can you please let us know where we are going wrong...?


      If I want to verify specific rows and columns do I need to change this syntax " Cell.Value = WSO2.Range(Cell.Address).Value"



      For Eg. If I want verify A1 and F1 in sheet 1 = A1 and G1 in sheet 2 How should I change the syntax.

      • shankar_r's avatar
        Community Hero



        I was doing the same kind of validation long back using Excel VBA.In Test Complete, I used to compare the excel file column and rows using below code. It was working fine for me. Maybe you could try this.


        Function CompareExcelCells()
              Dim excelObject
              Dim WB_A,WB_B,WS_A,WS_B
              Dim path_A,path_B
              Dim A_RowCount,iR
              path_A = "D:\************************\A.xlsx"
              path_B = "D:\************************\B.xlsx"
              Set excelObject = Sys.OleObject("Excel.Application")
              'Open Excel files
              Set WB_A = excelObject.Workbooks.Open(path_A)
              Set WB_B = excelObject.Workbooks.Open(path_B)
              Set WS_A = WB_A.Sheets("Sheet1")
              Set WS_B = WB_B.Sheets("Sheet1")
              A_RowCount = WS_A.UsedRange.Rows.Count
              For iR = 1 To A_RowCount
                    If(WS_A.Cells(iR,1).Value = WS_B.Cells(iR,1).Value) Then
                          If(WS_A.Cells(iR,4).Value = WS_B.Cells(iR,5).Value) Then
                                Log.Message("Value matched " & WS_A.Cells(iR,1).Value)
                                WS_A.Cells(iR,1).Interior.ColorIndex = 0
                                WS_A.Cells(iR,1).Interior.ColorIndex = 3  
                          End If
                                WS_A.Cells(iR,1).Interior.ColorIndex = 3  
                    End If
              Set excelObject = Nothing
        End Function