Forum Discussion

munozy's avatar
New Member
4 years ago

How to set the clientId and the clientSecret for displaying automatically on Authorization page?

On my Spring Boot application, I am trying to replace Swagger 2 with OpenApi 3. In the current implementation of SwaggerConfiguration class,

public class SwaggerConfig {
public Docket api() {
    return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)

public SecurityConfiguration security() {
    return SecurityConfigurationBuilder.builder()
            .scopeSeparator(" ")

private SecurityScheme securityScheme() {
    GrantType grantType = new AuthorizationCodeGrantBuilder()
            .tokenEndpoint(new TokenEndpoint(tokenEndpoint, "code"))
            .tokenRequestEndpoint(new TokenRequestEndpoint(tokenRequestEndpoint,

    return new OAuthBuilder().name("spring_oauth")

In this sample code, I give the clientId and the clientSecret and it will display automatically on the swagger-ui Authorization page:


In my new implementation of OpenApi Configuration

public OpenAPI customOpenAPI() {
    OAuthFlow oAuthFlow = new OAuthFlow()
            .scopes(new Scopes().addString(scope, ""));
    return new OpenAPI()
            .components(new Components()
                    .addSecuritySchemes("security_auth", new SecurityScheme()
                            .flows(new OAuthFlows().authorizationCode(oAuthFlow))
            .info(new Info()

I do not find a way to set theses information. I tried to set springdoc.swagger-ui.oauth.clientId in the file, but the clientId did not display.

How to set the clientId and the clientSecret with OpenApi 3 for displaying automatically on the Authorization Page?

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