Forum Discussion

abg's avatar
New Contributor
8 years ago

trusted_connection to jdbc



I'm trying to set up a JDBC connection to a database using a SoapUI project I imported from a colleague. The project works perfectly in SoapUI Pro V5.1.2 but I consistently get an error message when trying to execute it in Ready!API (V1.8.5):


Failed to init connection for driver [JDBC-ODBCBridge/sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver], connectionString [jdbc:odbc:Driver={SQL Server Native Client 10.0};Server=ourdbserver;Database=VP_ENT;Trusted_Connection=yes]


My drivers are up to date for V1.8.5 and installed in the correct directory.  I tried to set up a connection for a new project manually to the same DB but I cannot find any option for using my Windows credentials for the login (the Trusted_Connection option in the connection).


If anyone has suggestions for steps I can take to fix this, particularly specific sections in the documentation, I'd really appreciate it.


Thanks in advance,

Alan Glendinning



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