Forum Discussion

smadji's avatar
11 years ago

adding xpath to a not-contain assertion

I am trying to validate my pagination options. For that I need to assert that a unique ID from one page is NOT on the next page.
I have a request for page 1 and a request for page 2.
I am trying to assert that the second page does not contain a unique ID from the first page. But the not-contain assertion is looking for text within it and I am trying to use a dynamic operator (like xpath) where the unique number will change when I run the steps in sequence.
Any easy solution for that?

2 Replies

  • SiKing's avatar
    Community Expert
    Use XPath assertion, something like
    contains(//*:your/xpath[text()='${page 1#Response#//*:first/value/text()}'])
    should be false.
  • SmartBear_Suppo's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    I suggest you save the unique ID from page one as a TestCase property. You can do this with a Groovy TestStep where you retrieve the unique ID from page one and set it as shown in this tip:
    Then add an XPath Match assertion to the request to your second page (see the attached screenshot), that uses the Testcase property for comparison.

    You can use contains as well as SiKing suggested.


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