Forum Discussion

schill's avatar
New Contributor
8 years ago

SoapUI NG: JDBC TestStep: Results in text format from a table field are trimmed?



The text of certain table-columns in the JDBCRequest TestStep ResultSet XML are trimmed. Is there a way to prevent this?


The JSON response from the same column has the trailing whitespace but the JDBCRequestTestStep text does not have.




Database text: "10010 Chocolate Factory Street " -- note the training whitespace

JDBC Result text: "10010 Chocolate Factory Street" -- note the training whitespace has been trimmed by ReadyAPI/SoapUI NG

JSON Response text: "10010 Chocolate Factory Street " -- note the training whitespace is still present


This is messing up with my validation. Any advise? TIA.

1 Reply

  • As far as I know, our R&D team has plans for providing in the upcoming Ready! API release the "Pretty print" property for the JDBC Request Test Step, which allows controlling the described behavior.