Forum Discussion

678's avatar
Regular Contributor
6 years ago

Run Testcase return properties empty

Run Testcase Return properties are empty when test execution runtype = parallel 

I have a Run Testcase step with return propeties, properites are returning back when testsuite runtype = parallel 


where as its working fine on sequential runtype 


Ready Api version - 2.6 or 2.5 tried both the versions 


Run Testcase options :     create isolated copy of each run 



  • 678's avatar
    6 years ago

    Did not find the soultion all through got an update from smartbear support to there was a known issues when running large test cases on parrallel 


    Suggested to limit the test cases/Items to 20-30 


    any one has any clue how to limit the test cases/litems to 20-30 as i have over 400 Test cases in the test suite 

4 Replies

  • richie's avatar
    Community Hero

    Hey 678 


    is this related to your other post >> Properties-Not-Transferring-sometime-when-running-on-parallel'?


    as you specified in both your posts - you're using the thread safe option.


    Have you tried the alternative scripting option to try and handle this? link >> 'modularizing-your-tests'?


    There may be an issue with ReadyAPI's OTB thread safe functionality not maintaining the thread correctly, but if you script it instead -this might help - although there's no guarantee if the script calls the same underlying 'thread safe' code.  


    If the script option doesn't actually work and no-one else has any ideas, i'd try raising a support call with SmartBear to investigate.







    • 678's avatar
      Regular Contributor

      Did not find the soultion all through got an update from smartbear support to there was a known issues when running large test cases on parrallel 


      Suggested to limit the test cases/Items to 20-30 


      any one has any clue how to limit the test cases/litems to 20-30 as i have over 400 Test cases in the test suite 

      • richie's avatar
        Community Hero
        Sorry for the late response. Would tagging enable this?
