Forum Discussion

arunbharath's avatar
5 years ago

ReadyAPI is not running , When I'm trying to run with Testsuite Tags

I've marked couple of TestSuites as Sanity and I tried to run it in Jenkins by using below shell command "/ReadyAPI-2.8.2/bin/" -r -a -j -J -f${WORKSPACE} -g "-RProject Report" -FXML -E...
  • sonya_m's avatar
    5 years ago

    Hi arunbharath , the first thing that caught my attention is the fact that you are using an old version of ReadyAPI, please update the product and see if this helps.  


    Another thing is we need to make sure that you are assigning the tags correctly. Please take a look at this help article. Are you setting your test suite tags up in the same exact manner? 


    If none of the suggestions work, I’d recommend that you contact support, so that they could take a closer look at your issue.  


    Please keep us informed about your progress. Thank you.