Forum Discussion

rrakhi's avatar
9 years ago

Ready API Maven Plugin causes error when reading Excel file within Groovy script using Apache POI

I have added the ready-api-maven-plugin 1.7 version with pom.xml for Maven2 integration.





Within my ReadyAPI project I have a writen a Groovy script that reads an Excel file using Apache POI libraries.


This project run perfectly fine with Ready API but when integrating with Maven and using pom.xml, I see the below error.

23:53:01,058 ERROR [SoapUI] An error occurred [org/openxmlformats/schemas/spreadsheetml/x2006/main/CTExtensionList], see error log for details
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/openxmlformats/schemas/spreadsheetml/x2006/main/CTExtensionList
	at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods0(Native Method)


Removed the Groovy code that reads the Excel file and all was good with Maven integration.


I need to read the excel file for some processing and hence need the issue resolved when using Maven and Ready API integration.


Looks like ready-api-maven-plugin seems to have some conflict with apache poi libraries.


Note: adding the ooxml-schemas dependency within pom.xml didn't help either.


Appreciate all help.

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