Forum Discussion

alibaba82's avatar
Super Contributor
17 years ago

Question about Remote Project and remote input files

I am using the import remote project feature of soapui and it works perfectly. I have a project stored somewhere on the network and also have stored some XLS files which contain the necessary data for this.

My question is that internally how are these remote projects and remote input files handled. If the project and inputs files are quite large, could network latency become an issue when I start a load test. Are these files copied to the local drive temporarily before a tests starts ?



3 Replies

  • omatzura's avatar
    Super Contributor
    Hi Ali,

    The entire project file is loaded when opened, so network latency will affect only the opening of the project, once it is loaded the LoadTest should start immediately. Regarding the XLS files, these are loaded when the TestCase starts or when the DataSource is first executed (depending on the preload setting in the DataSource step), so here you could definitely have a latency issue if these files are large and/or loaded over the network..

    Hope this helps..


  • alibaba82's avatar
    Super Contributor
    so For the large XLS files, if I have a file that is >10MB and preload is turned on, then I should expect behavior of the test to be the same as if the file were located locally ?

    I understand the initial delay since the file is getting loaded. I am just concerned about what happens when I go to datasource loop and it has to grab the next record.

  • omatzura's avatar
    Super Contributor
    Hi Ali,

    I'm not sure about the internals of the XLS library, but my guess is that it loads the entire file when it initializes the DataSource step during the run of the test, so you shouldn't see any more delays when getting to the DataSourceLoop step..

