Forum Discussion

roryLIT's avatar
10 years ago

Load special characters into Properties step

I have an external file that I load into a Properties step however one of the values contains special characters so instead of ÷Ã-ÕÔÓÒÑÃ?Ã?ÃŽÃ?ÌËÊÉÈ,‰ˆ‡…ER|@&><<> I get most of the value returned only there are boxes replacing certain characters such as the dot and the quotation marks

Any ideas how to keep the value from being changed when imported?


1 Reply

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    Is the file encoded in UTF-8? then you may try adding '-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8' in JAVA_OPTS of testrunner/soapui/ bat/sh files or other script whatever you are invoking. Hope this helps.