Forum Discussion

AdamDavisNant's avatar
Occasional Contributor
8 years ago

Get TimeTaken from a REST POST request

I'm trying to write the response times for SOAP and REST calls from the my test cases to a database. I have it working with one exception. The REST POST requests are giving me the following: ERROR:java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method getTimeTaken() on null object


I'm using the TestListener.AfterRun event. Here is the relevant code:


for (myResult in testRunner.getResults())
    if((myResult.testStep.config.type == "request") || (myResult.testStep.config.type == "restrequest")){
        //if this is a request we want to get the amount of time it took
        //if the repsonse for the request takes longer than 2 seconds (2000 milliseconds)
        //Mark it as an SLA Failure
        if(myResult.response.timeTaken > 2000){
            SLAFailureValue = "True"


My failure is on the BOLD and Italics line.


Why is this working for GET requests buy not POSTs?

(ALSO as a note I use this exact code on the SOAP side and I haven't seen any issues there)


7 Replies

  • Radford's avatar
    Super Contributor

    This sounds a bit odd, I tried a simple rest request test step, with a GET request, and then added a Groovy test step after it with the following code:


    testRunner.getResults().each() { result ->
    	assert result.hasResponse()



    Now here's the odd thing when my REST request test step has no assertions, all was OK, but once I added an assertion (a simple "Valid HTTP Status Code" one) I then see the behaviour you describe, albeit via hasResponse() returning false (even having disabled assertions seemed to cause the issue).


    This doesn't sound right I think I would raise a support call with Smartbear, at this link:



    Please post back with any details Smartbear provide. Note: I am using Ready API 1.7 I had a quick look at the release notes to see if a later version had a fix, but couldn't see anything similar.


    As a side note, when I added a Script assertion to the REST request with:


    assert messageExchange.hasResponse()


    It seamed to work correctly.

    • AdamDavisNant's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Redford.....Nice catch!! I removed (deleted, disabling doesn't work) the assertion on the REST call and my script worked.


      I'll send this over to support and come back when I hear back from them.

      • AdamDavisNant's avatar
        Occasional Contributor

        Just wanted to follow up since it's been about a week. I opened Case #0023601. Someone replied back that they would reproduce and get back to me, but I'm still waiting to hear back.