Forum Discussion

getarbind's avatar
Occasional Contributor
7 years ago

Combine multiple SoapUI project jUnit html report into a single report



Is there any way to combine multiple SoapUI project jUnit html report into a single combined report.



Project 1 - index.html

Project 2 - Index.html



CombinedIndex.html (Content of Project 1 and Project 2)



10 Replies

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    If I have to achieve the same, here is what I would do. 


    • Execute the project so that it generates Junit Test Report in xml format
    • Repeat this as many times as you want
    • Make sure all the Report xml files in the same location.
    • Now pass all the report files (TEST-*.xml) with regular expression to reporting task at the end.


    And I believe that we do not have do any thing except that provide all the junit report xml file to transform into html. Just change of sequence. The generated report appears exactly what you wanted.


    Personally do not use gradle, but ant and doing the above mention way to achieve the same. You should be able to achieve it using gradle too, I guess.


    • sanj's avatar
      Super Contributor

      My earlier post gas the link to stackoverflis which explains how this can  be done

      • getarbind's avatar
        Occasional Contributor

        sanj nmrao groovyguy 

        Thank you all for the valuable input.


        There are multiple html report file are being generated for a single SoapUI project as part junit report generation so concatenating them all or concatenating corresponding html file will not meet the requirement where i need to have combined summary report.


        nmrao Yes.. I am thinking in same line where we can merge the XML report collecting all testsuite elements from all XML reports and putting them together and then convert that into HTML so that i will have Combined summary report.

    • getarbind's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      I am using Gradle Build to trigger the SoapUI test execution and generating the jUnit HTML report.

      It is getting done in Linux env using Jenkins job. 


      Number of SoapUI project is dynamic and its passed as parameter.


      So i can not use any desktop software.


      I can write a html code to merge it, but i wanted to explorer the option in SoapUI or Gradle task to do it. 


      and my main focus is on merging the test summary as well.