Forum Discussion

FPKELD2019's avatar
Occasional Contributor
5 years ago

Can not get Properties to work with MQ connection of AMQP plugin

Hi SmartBear,   ReadyAPI v2.8 Pro.   We have not succeed in getting Properties to work with AMQP plugin MQ configuration.   The issue we see is with Properties: Cannot get project properties ...
  • richie's avatar
    5 years ago

    Hi FPKELD2019 


    I can't help with your AMQP issue (point 1 of  your post) as I don't have an AMQP MQ to test against - but regarding point 2 of your post - you said you're publishing json payloads via the Queue and you're using a the DataGen test step to do it?

    I don't bother with that - when I need a unique GUID created dynamically in my payloads I just hardcode the following dynamic script snippet into the json's GUI attribute value as follows:


    "GUIDAttribute" : "${=java.util.UUID.randomUUID()}"

    In regards to point 1 - if you're sure you're tried the normal property handling  - then I'd raise a ticket with Smartbear - link as follows:


    I know hasn't helped with point1, but this might help with point2 and if you use this it will get you around the AMQP property issue.



