Forum Discussion

Aaronliu's avatar
Frequent Contributor
12 years ago

how to call customed class in SoapUI?

Hi All,
I would like to call a method which I declare in one customed class. but how to register this class and then to be called in script step? just like the sample class of soapui affiliated: Greet.

I can use it like this:
def greet = new Greet("Aaron",log)

is there anybody can show your suggestion and solution here?


2 Replies

  • Aaronliu's avatar
    Frequent Contributor
    If I define a Groovy Class and then would like to call their method in groovy step, how can I deal with it in test step?
  • Aaronliu's avatar
    Frequent Contributor
    Who can provide an actual example for invoking of custom class and how to expand various methods in groovy?