Forum Discussion

sergeykh's avatar
Occasional Contributor
6 years ago

can I know in the project load Script if the soapUI project executed from from command line

I would like to control the flow in project load script and do something only if its executed from the command line.

Is there anything on the Project varible that I have in this context that can indicate how the project was triggered.

  • nmrao's avatar
    6 years ago


    I mean system arugument such as "-Dkey=value"


    testrunner.bas <options to execute the project> -DIS_INVOKED_COMMANDLINE=true


    In Load script


    if ('true' == System.getProperty('IS_INVOKED_COMMANDLINE')) {
    //You business logic here

5 Replies

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    May be you use a jvm argument passed from command line.

    In the load script, get system property value and if that matches certain condition, then execute the piece of code.
    Does it sound ok?
    • sergeykh's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      What do you mean by jvm arguments?

      I know that if I pass project level properties to be set from the command line, they are initiated after the project script is executed.

      Can you please share an example so I can test if this behaves diffrently.

      I would assume that there is some indication who is executin the project without something spesific, but seems that this is not the case.

      • nmrao's avatar
        Champion Level 3


        I mean system arugument such as "-Dkey=value"


        testrunner.bas <options to execute the project> -DIS_INVOKED_COMMANDLINE=true


        In Load script


        if ('true' == System.getProperty('IS_INVOKED_COMMANDLINE')) {
        //You business logic here