Forum Discussion

Herminator's avatar
12 years ago

Some requests return HTLM status 400

Hello all,

Although not very experienced with XML / WebServices I was asked to look into a issue where ASP 3.5 webservice sometimes returnes a 400 'Bad Request'.
Along with the issue I recieved an example of an accepted xml message, one with a rejected xml message.

I decided to test both xml messages against the webservice with SoapUI, with which I'm pretty unfamiliar with.
I created a project based on the wsdl copied in the both xml messages and guess what BOTH files gave me a 400 - bad request.

SoapUI validation of both the sample requests tell me "line 4: XML declaration is not well formed" on the first line of the xml I pasted into the Soap envelope; "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>".

After removing the XML declarations SoapUI Validiation succeedes an BOTH message were accepted and processed by the webservice when submitting the request???

Question 1: If understand correct the xml declaration should not be included in the soap envelope?

Question 2: Why is the xml message reported to be rejected with 400 - bad request succesfully accepted and processed by the webservice?

The xml file reported to be rejected:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<Invoice xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:hrx="" xmlns:nl="" xsi:schemaLocation=" ../Invoice.xsd InvoiceAdditionalNL.xsd">
<TotalAmount currency="EUR">1313.90</TotalAmount>
<Name><![CDATA[Ministerie van Financiƫn]]></Name>
<AddressLine><![CDATA[Postbus 20201]]></AddressLine>
<PostalCode>2500 EE</PostalCode>
<Name><![CDATA[Start People BV]]></Name>
<AddressLine><![CDATA[P.J. Oudweg 61]]></AddressLine>
<PostalCode>1314 CK</PostalCode>
<AddressLine><![CDATA[Postbus 1]]></AddressLine>
<PostalCode>1300 AA</PostalCode>
<Description><![CDATA[IFAR CCP]]></Description>
<AddressLine><![CDATA[Koninginnegracht 62]]></AddressLine>
<PostalCode>2514 AG</PostalCode>
<TotalCharges currency="EUR">1104.12</TotalCharges>
<TotalTax currency="EUR">209.78</TotalTax>
<TaxAmount currency="EUR">209.78</TaxAmount>
<TaxBaseAmount currency="EUR">1104.12</TaxBaseAmount>
<PercentQuantity uom="BTW">19.00</PercentQuantity>
<StaffingAdditionalData xmlns="">
<StaffingSupplierId idOwner="StaffingCustomer">
<StaffingCustomerId idOwner="StaffingCustomer">
<StaffingCustomerOrgUnitId idOwner="StaffingCustomer">
<IdValue name="Ministerie van Financiƫn"><![CDATA[Start People IFAR]]></IdValue>
<StaffingOrganization typeOfOrganization="Supplier" xmlns="">
<OrganizationName><![CDATA[Start People BV]]></OrganizationName>
<BankInfoByJurisdiction bankJurisdiction="NL">
<StaffingOrganizationNL xmlns="">
<Total currency="EUR">1104.12</Total>
<Total currency="EUR">1104.12</Total>
<PercentQuantity uom="BTW">19.00</PercentQuantity>
<Amount currency="EUR">30.67</Amount>
<PerQuantity uom="regular">1</PerQuantity>
<ItemQuantity uom="regular">36.00</ItemQuantity>
<TimeCard xmlns="">
<Id idOwner="StaffingCustomer">
<Id idOwner="StaffingCustomer">
<FormattedName><![CDATA[C.M. Bosscher]]></FormattedName>
<LegalName><![CDATA[C.M. Bosscher]]></LegalName>
<TimeInterval type="regular" billable="true">
<RateOrAmount currency="EUR" type="Hourly" multiplier="100.00">30.67</RateOrAmount>
<StaffingAdditionalData xmlns="">
<AssignmentId idOwner="StaffingCompany">
<StaffingAdditionalData xmlns="">

I think the reported rejection has to do something with the Ć« character in the line
<Name><![CDATA[Ministerie van Financiƫn]]></Name>

But why is it not rejected when send using SoapUI??

Thanks anyone for pointing me to the right direction in finding the solution to this problem!
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