Forum Discussion

agota5's avatar
New Contributor
15 years ago

SoapUI with TIBCO EMS problem

I am having problem with making testcases for TIBCO EMS.

Main problem is when I try to create JMS endpoint from Hermes config file.
My Hermes is working ok and config file also seems ok. (I can see messages on my EMS queue.)

Is there any example or tutorial how to set up this kind of testcase or maybe correct hermes-config.xml setup for this case?

I get this error message when I try to run testcase:
"Hermes configuration is not valid. Please check that 'Hermes Config' project property is set to path of proper hermes-config.xml file"

Aparently it cannot find Hermes config file neither can find session with name EMS (but it works ok in Hermes)

On the other hand it works fine with default session "Files", but when it comes to TIBCO session it just does not work.

Thank you in advance..

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