Forum Discussion

Martin's avatar
Occasional Contributor
17 years ago

SoapUI against multiple Web Services


I hope you to give me some advice on soapUI and multiple Web services testing.

Does SoapUI allow the following test scenario:

A request is sent to a WSDL and a response is returned.  From the response certain variables are automatically selected which are then used to populate a new request.

However the new request is then sent to a different WDSL

We have a case when the response details from one WSDL are used as input for a test against a different WDSL.

Note:  Also - Is there a wizard functional to do this in soapUI?

Thanks in advance.


3 Replies

  • omatzura's avatar
    Super Contributor
    Hi Martin,

    this is definitely possible in soapUI; just import both of your WSDLs into one soapUI Project and create a TestCase containing requests to the two different services. You can use property-transfers for moving response values from the first request to the second request.

    soapUI Pro has wizards for selecting the nodes to transfer from the response and to in the request, in soapUI you'll have to create the corresponding XPath expressions manually (or property-expansions). (soapUI Pro also allows you to create this "transfer" using drag-and-drop functionality)

    Hope this helps!


  • omatzura's avatar
    Super Contributor

    Post again if you need assisstance!

