Forum Discussion

jkrier's avatar
Regular Contributor
10 years ago

Read Test Request assertions with Groovy script


Does anyone know how to validate the result of any assertions set in a previous request with a Groovy script?

For example, my project makes a soap call and I have some assertions set in the Test Request for Content Match, HTTP status etc. I then want to run a Groovy step that can evaluate those assertions and make decisions based on their results.

I found a way to read the assertions but not in a way that is useful to me.

assertList = testRunner.getTestCase().getTestStepByName("MyTestStep").getAssertionList().toString()

This produces

Wed Nov 05 13:35:36 MST 2014:INFO:[com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.teststeps.assertions.ProXPathContainsAssertion@5e58e7b5, com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.teststeps.assertions.ProXPathContainsAssertion@1ed44c77,,]

I can't find what to do next.

I've been reading lots of forums and can't seem to find anywhere where someone else has tried this before. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

2 Replies

  • jkrier's avatar
    Regular Contributor
    I think I figured it out and I am going to post the script in case anyone else ever looks this up on the forums. It was really simple, I just had to convert the status to a string.

    obj = context.testCase.getTestStepByName("MyTestStep")
    assertions = obj.getAssertionList()
    assertions.each{ + ' --> ' + it.status)
    stat = (it.status).toString()
    if(stat == "FAILED"){ "FOUND FAILED"
  • jkrier's avatar
    Regular Contributor
    I did find something close to what I am trying to do but I still can't really access the assertion results and add logic to my script depending on their value

    obj = context.testCase.getTestStepByName("MyTestStep")
    assertions = obj.getAssertionList()

    assertions.each{ + ' --> ' + it.status)

    if(it.status == "FAILED"){ "FOUND FAILED"

    This will return the following to the output

    Wed Nov 05 14:28:48 MST 2014:INFO:Match content of [OrderStatus] --> FAILED
    Wed Nov 05 14:28:48 MST 2014:INFO:Match content of [OrderStatus] --> FAILED
    Wed Nov 05 14:28:48 MST 2014:INFO:Valid HTTP Status Codes --> VALID
    Wed Nov 05 14:28:48 MST 2014:INFO:Invalid HTTP Status Codes --> VALID

    But it does not seem to find the status and print "FOUND FAILED"

    Not sure why it doesn't work