Forum Discussion

preethishekar's avatar
Occasional Contributor
12 years ago

Not able to send the value from Datasource for REST

I need to parameterize the Legdername from Data source, Am using Restful service, see the request as given below.

{"RegisterId":0,"ClientId":"${#DataSource#ClientId}","PostToGeneralLedger":true,"GenerateAccountingEntries":false,"DepreciationMethod":"T","LedgerName":"${#DataSource#LedName}","LastAccessedBy":"Bache Simon","LastAccessedTime":"2012-07-23T23:39:47.0332032+10:00","FinancialYearStartMonth":7,"EnableGLIntegration":true,"GLIntegrationStatus":true,"DataVersion":null}

Am able to send the CliendID from datsource as the datatype in Db is integer, when i applied the same for "LedgerName", application is not accepting the code, the data flow is HTTP not XML, Rest Packet wil be sent as "Column Name":"Value", if the value is integer type the data gets replaced from Datasouce, if it is varchar, the value should be within double quotes, "Oracle corp", as per the above post method string, "${#DataSource#LedName}", the value gets replaced but cant be submitted to appls due to restful rules ("Column Name":"Value"). How to handle such situation in the restful service.
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