Forum Discussion

giannisdoe's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

Non visible characters in http logs

Hi everyone,


I have been having a problem that is being driving crazy so I am hoping for your help.

I have been using SoapUI open source for years on Windows machines and never had this issue.

On MacOs I am constantly having the following problem when I copy paste String from anywhere else to SoapUI.

In the request editor my string looks fine but when I send the request I get weird errors from the server.

After investigation I realized that some XML Strings are sent out differently on the wire than what they look in the request editor and this is causing the problem.


For example:

In my request I have the following



in the HTTP Logs I see that the following is sent out


Mon Dec 16 14:07:24 CET 2019:DEBUG:>> " <swb:id>[0xef][0xbb][0xbf][0xef][0xbb][0xbf]201909002_TEST</swb:id>[\n]"


I really dont understand where these non alphanumeric ascii characters are coming from..


If I dont do copy/paste and I just edit the request manually then it works...


Anybody has come across this issue before?


Thanks a lot