Forum Discussion

janhjordie's avatar
14 years ago

LoadTest fails

I have created a Test Property (Counter) on the UserGet TestCase.
I the Groovy Script, I get the Counter and increase it with 1
And then transfer it to the Test Property.
That works just fine when I run it. The Counter increases just fine for every run.
But when I use the LoadTest, it ignore the counting

I'm unsure it's the right way I'm doing it.

What I basically want is the following :

Loop with counter from 1 to x
TestRequest (CreateUser param email = "testuser(counter)"
TestRequest (ActivateUser param = TestRequest

What to do ? Any suggestions are welcome !


2 Replies

  • bernhardn's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Hi janhjordie,

    You mentioned that you created a (property-transfer or groovy?) test step to increase your "counter" property by one. Can you please provide that script.

    I am stuck with my property "SimNum".... so far I have a groovy script with:

    def bn = context.expand('${#Project#SimNum}') as int
    bn = bn + 1

    How do I set the property value now?

    Many thanks