Forum Discussion

stephentenberg's avatar
New Contributor
10 years ago Cannot run program "sh"

Apologies if this is posted somewhere, but I cannot find the answer.

I just installed on Ubuntu 14.04 using Oracle Java7.

I am trying to generate Axis 2 artifacts for a WSDL. I created the project but when I click "generate" I always get: Cannot run program "sh"

I don't see anywhere to set or configure the shell path?


4 Replies

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    Have you checked the preferences for axix2 path?

    Other wise, if you have axis2 downloaded, you may directly run it from AXIS2_HOME/bin
  • Thanks but I have double checked and axis path is correct. But its the shell itself - sh - that java can't find and no apparent way to add a path to that.
  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    Once you set the AXIS2_HOME in Preferences->Tools, you should be able to generate without any issue. Please see the attachment.