Forum Discussion

janvanachte's avatar
12 years ago

How to retrieve number of (JMS) messages sent in groovy?


I am trying to build a groovy script that runs a specific testcase (only containing the sending of a JMS messages) for a number of times, but with a variable number of threads.

The only thing I do not find how to do is how to display the number of JMS messages sent after every testcase run.

This is my code sofar:

def myTestMap = [ "1:":2,"2:":2, "3:":4 ]
myTestCaseName = "Unclear"
myLoadTestLimitSeconds = 60

def myRunner
int myCounter

def myTestCase = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.project.testSuites["MySuite"].testCases[myTestCaseName]
def myLoadTest = myTestCase.getLoadTestByName("Run")

for(myTestCaseParameters in myTestMap) {
myId = myTestCaseParameters.key
myThreadCount = myTestCaseParameters.value
myTestCase.setPropertyValue( "MessageCorrelationID_prefix", myId )
myLoadTest.setThreadCount(myThreadCount) "$myId started"
myRunner =
//myCounter = testRunner.runContext.TotalRunCount
//myCounter = myRunner.runContext.TotalRunCount
//myCounter = context.RunCount "$myId finished, number of messages sent $myCounter, time taken for TestCase was: $myRunner.timeTaken ms"

Whatever value I try to put in "myCounter" (see 3 examples I tried in the code), I always end up with 0,1 or null.

Any ideas ?

Thanks very much for any help or tips.

Kind regards,

Jan Van Achte
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