Forum Discussion

floctc's avatar
New Contributor
13 years ago

Generate random number in Soap UI using Java

I want to genere a random number inside an xml page opened in SoapUI, in order to test a web service.

I have tried this :
<msisdn>079999${=(int)(Math.random()*9999)} </msisdn>

It works, but i need only 10 number digit (a phone number )

I thought I could use some java methods to get this :

NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance();

Or :

System.out.println(String.format("%04d", new Random().nextInt(9999)));

Unfortunatly it does'nt work, because Groovy doesn't know NumberFormat or Radom...

Have you any solution for my problem?

Thanks for your help

5 Replies

  • Hiya

    Don't know if it would help but I am using a much shorter random number string that will write to a property.

    //Generate TransactionID
    testRunner.testCase.setPropertyValue("TransID", String.valueOf((int)Math.random()*1000000000) );

    This gives me a random 9 digit number between 000000001 & 999999999.

  • dschweie's avatar
    New Contributor

    In a project I created with soapUI it was looking for a possibility to bring functionality to library. In the Open Source version of soapUI you create jars and you have to store those in folder <installation directory>/bin/ext/.

    Maybe you can use this either. You just code you function in Java and create a jar-file. This can be used by Groovy script very easily.

    To ensure a special number of digits I would recommend to use datatype String. In XML-document you will not have trouble with it.

    This solution might not be the most efficient but it will work.

    Best Regards
  • Finan's avatar
    Frequent Contributor

    If you want to create a random number with 10 digits, use the following groovy script:
    int a = 9
    nr = ""
    for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    random = new Random()
    randomInteger= random.nextInt(a)
    nr = nr + randomInteger
    } nr

    If you want to limit the value of a digit on a specific spot (for instance, the first digit is always a zero) you can use nr.lenght() to assert the digit-position:
    int a = 9
    nr = ""
    for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)
    if(nr.length() < 1)
    nr = nr + "0"
    random = new Random()
    randomInteger= random.nextInt(a)
    nr = nr + randomInteger
    } nr

    Of course you still need to set the value of nr to the correct parameter in your XML...
  • floctc's avatar
    New Contributor
    Thanks for your help, it works better than an other solution I have found later :


    The post is solved.
  • coexmatrix's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    This solution works great. I set the random number to stop at 5 digits:
    int a = 9
    nr = ""
    for(i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    random = new Random()
    randomInteger= random.nextInt(a)
    nr = nr + randomInteger
    } nr

    However, how would I make it so that the number generated couldn't go higher than say 50000?