Forum Discussion

roko98's avatar
New Contributor
12 years ago

Changing property inside loadtest from mockservice

Hi all

I'm very new to soapUI, so please forgive if I'm missing something (... or everything!). I have a testcase that use several HTTP and one groovy teststep. The purpose of the groovy TS is to pool for a property change, like this:

def time = 30;
while ( testRunner.testCase.getPropertyValue( "arg1" ) != "arg1" ) {
if ( 0 >= time--) {"timeout")

And, I have a mockservice, which change the property inside the onRequest script, like this:

def project = mockRunner.mockService.project
def testCase = project.testSuites["TestSuite 1"].testCases["TestCase 1"]

testCase.setPropertyValue( "arg1", mockRequest.httpRequest.getParameter( "arg1" ) )

This works just fine when I run the testcase manualy. Now, I want to do exactly the same, but with loadtest. I can pass ${ThreadIndex} to the webserver and get it back in the mockservice. This way the mockservice knows "who" is specting the response ... but how can I obtain the right "object" inside the loadtest to set the property to ? There is another way to accomplish the same result ? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

1 Reply

  • roko98's avatar
    New Contributor
    Anyone ?? pls guys help me with this... I don't want to build the test in plain java anymore!!!