Forum Discussion

adickinson's avatar
8 years ago

Project Pretty Print causing issues with Tab Delimited File



As part of the testing I am currently doing I am using the Create File step to create a file containing 50 fields separated by tabs. 

There is a scenario which I wish to test in which only the mandatory fields are populated and the remaining fields are blank. This results in my file content "string" ending with a series of just tab characters.


When I first create this and run it, the test works fine, the functionality I am testing accepts the file and my assertions work.

However, if I then save and reload the test and run it, my test fails as the functionality rejects the file as not having enough fields. 


This is because when the project is saved, with Pretty Print Project files enabled, it is trimming the white space from my file content "string" and so the file created does not contain the relevant number of fields.


Turning off Pretty Print Project files stops this from happening but we have a number of different projects and require it to be enabled to make merging and managing the tests in Source Control easier.


Is there anyway to ensure that the Pretty print process does not strip required whitespace characters off the content string of the create file step? 


Or failing that, is there a way to disable the Pretty Print project files process for a single project rather than for all projects within the ReadyAPI Workspace?


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