Forum Discussion

oolongice's avatar
14 years ago

help,how to match null value with xpath assertion?

i create a jdbc step,and it return result1,
and i create a request to visit the webservice ,and it return result2,
now,i want to compare result1 to result2,
and i have some problem,
some times the upVale will be null,and i don't know how to compare it flexible
or can i write a script step to compare result1 to result2.
for example:
<Row rowNumber="1">
<RuleValue xmlns="" xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns1="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<upValue xsi:nil="true"/>

and now,i add a xpath assertion in the jdbc step,the expected result is:
<Row rowNumber="1">
<ID>${getCouponRule - Request#Response#declare namespace ns1=''; declare namespace ns2=''; //ns2:getCouponRuleResponse[1]/ns2:out[1]/ns1:CouponRule[1]/ns1:values[1]/ns1:RuleValue[1]/ns1:id[1]}</ID>
<LOW_VALUE>${getCouponRule - Request#Response#declare namespace ns1=''; declare namespace ns2=''; //ns2:getCouponRuleResponse[1]/ns2:out[1]/ns1:CouponRule[1]/ns1:values[1]/ns1:RuleValue[1]/ns1:lowValue[1]}</LOW_VALUE>
<LOW_VALUE>${getCouponRule - Request#Response#declare namespace ns1=''; declare namespace ns2=''; //ns2:getCouponRuleResponse[1]/ns2:out[1]/ns1:CouponRule[1]/ns1:values[1]/ns1:RuleValue[1]/ns1:upValue[1]}</LOW_VALUE>
and when the upValue is null,the xpath assertion will be fail,and i don't know how to resolve it.