Forum Discussion

JoostM's avatar
12 years ago

Windows behave weirdly on SoapUI 4.5.1

I'm on Windows 7, using standalone version of soapUI 4.5.1.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open a "Test steps" window by double clicking in the Navigator

  2. Open a "Test request" window by double clicking in the "Test steps" window

  3. Maximize "Test request" window by clicking on the Maximize window button

  4. Close "Test request" window by clicking the Close window button

  5. The "Test steps" window is now visible again, click once on a test request to select it.

  6. Expected result: test request is selected, test request window doesn't change.
    Actual result: test request is selected, but window maximizes.

  7. Work-around is to un-maximize "Test request" window before closing it.
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