Forum Discussion

mwalter's avatar
Occasional Contributor
8 years ago

Setting to turn off nil="true" in form view?


I have a problem that seems similar to SOAP-2517 but I don't know what the resolution of that issue is or if it even really solves my problem.


We've noticed when working on recent projects that when using form view, if we leave a nillable element blank, SoapUI adds a namespace to the element and sets it to nil (part in red is added by SoapUI).  


<v11:SortBy xsi:nil="true" xmlns:xsi=""/>


The problem is that this is causing our requests to fail, as the backend is not expecting this and is faulting.  


Is there a setting in SoapUI where we can control whether the tools adds this information or not?  Without it, the form view (which is a key selling point) is somewhat useless to us.



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