Forum Discussion

msiteur's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

SOAPui 5.3.0 and API Ready 2.7.0 issues known?

we are working with 2 versions of SOAPui.

Open source 5.3.0 and paid Rady API 2.7.0

Are issues known for this?

I notice that I loose information in projects of the free version. Requests can not be opened anymore.

And that in REady API the rest service information disappears when creating a testsuite.

5 Replies

    • msiteur's avatar
      New Contributor


      It does not give me the clue I was looking for - maybe because I am not so technical.


      Is there anyone who faced the issue of loosing the details of all the requests (you can not open the requests anymore)?

      • richie's avatar
        Community Hero
        Hi msiteur,

        If you're talking about having created a project in ReadyAPI! and then importing that project into open source SoapUI, I had similar problems about 3 months ago.

        About 3 months ago i had to try and get my ReadyAPI! project working in open source SoapUI (i think it was v5.5.0, rather than v5.3.0) and i found a number of problems that i had to recreate some of my tests and test steps that were originally created in ReadyAPI!, as well as changing/adding steps to get it to work as required in SoapUI.

        I'd suggest we'd need to know a lot more detail about the requests that are "disappearing" to even come close to trying to help out with your issues. What type of requests are you talking about? Payloads? Methods? Etc.

        Are you using parameterisation? I noticed i was getting a lot of problems when my requests used your requests use a lot of parameterisation?

        Have you made sure you're not using any of the Pro (paid for) functionality that's available in ReadyAPI! that isn't in the open source SoapUI?

        When importing a ReadyAPI! project into SoapUI, you do get a warning dialogue that there might be problems executing the project in SoapUI, so it isn't exactly advisable.

        If you can provide more information as to your issues (exact details of the problems) i can see if i can reproduce and perhaps work out a way around the problem. If this doesn't work i think you have 2 choices:

        1. Upgrade the freeware SoapUI to the latest (i think it's about v5.5.3) and hope the changes since your version (v5.3.0) have fixed the problems causing your issue or

        2. Do what someone suggested to me when i had problems....recreate your project from scratch in opensource SoapUI, rather than creating in ReadyAPI! and importing into SoapUI.

        Thats all i got i'm afraid!

