Forum Discussion

ckhim's avatar
Occasional Contributor
7 years ago

ReadyAPI Global Properties Issue with Bamboo/MavenHello SoapUI Community,

Hello SoapUI Community,


SoapUI Pro or ReadyAPI


I ran into an issue with ReadyAPI Global Properties. Here is the scenario.


- I used global properties in my test 

- I am able to run it fine getting http_status 200 back via locally in the tool and calling it from maven command line "mvn test" 


With Bamboo integration, I start having issue. It seems like the global properties is not working/recognizing


So in my environment, I kick off ReadyAPI test case via triggering bamboo passing maven command line execution.

Practically, bamboo is calling maven. In maven pom file, it is calling ReadyAPI (the .xml file).


So is it a limitation with bamboo or limitation with ReadyAPI when it came down to global properties. 

Note: if I hardcode the value in the test instead of using global properties, then my test run fine on bamboo.

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