Forum Discussion

wen_huang's avatar
Occasional Contributor
17 years ago

A universal Load test strategy

I'm wondering whether we can have a load test strategy, in which

1) The user can control the speed of ramping up, for example, ramping up 5 threads every 10 seconds.

2) The user can specify the lasting hours/minutes when all threads have been up running

3) The user can specify and change the delays(think time) between the steps and iterations in a single place.

4) If we can run multiple test cases together, the user has the control of the start time (seconds after the load test starts) of each test case.

So basically, this strategy combines the "simple”, “Grid" and "Thread" strategy you already have and more... Anyway, let me know whether it makes sense.


2 Replies

  • omatzura's avatar
    Super Contributor
    Hi Wen,

    hehe.. sounds nice.. the upcoming 2.0.3 release introduces as new Script Strategy which allows you to specify a script that periodically gets run to modify the thread count. This script could do most of these modifications (and many others.. ). Send me an email at if you want to try out a pre-release..


  • wen_huang's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Can I have the sample code of using the script?

    I have the 2.0.3 installed.
