micgar's avatar
Senior Member
7 years ago
New Idea

General usability improvements to ReadyAPI

The following feature requests seem too small to have their own feature request, so i decided to collect them in a single post.


  1. Enable ctrl+w to close open teststeps, testcases, suites etc. This is standard in a lot of programs now. Tabs in browsers as an obvious example
  2. Rename "remove" to "delete" when right clicking a test case (It seems delete is commonly used term in Ready! API). It's delete for the test steps for example.
  3. Remember size of navigators after restart. 
  4. When in split view, in this case a test step on the left and a test case on the right. Double-clicking a test step within the opened test case editor should open the test step as a tab next to the test case and not in a new third and maximized window. This seems undesirable.
  5. Cloning a lot of test steps to another test case, results in a lot of work removing "Copy of " from the name. Renaming while cloning should only happen if the destination has a test step with the same name.



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