Forum Discussion

hskim's avatar
8 years ago

Read a Text from app. by OCR


I have Mobile module.



I must read a text of SMS so I installed SMS application in Android phone.

(Please refer the attached screen01.png)


TestComplete can recognize the object but the text info. doesn't be there.

(Please refer the attached screen02.png)


So I have to use OCR function.


I found the ocr script the following.(Please refer the URL,


But I don't know what can I edit the script.

I tried to edit but always appear error.



p = Mobile.Device("SHV-E300K");


But I can't execute.


Please let me know how can I use it.


The other's information is,





The following is script for OCR.


function Test()
  var p, w, OCRObj, OCROptions, Font, s;

  // Obtain the window containing the text to be recognized
  p = Sys.Process("MyApplication");
  w = p.Window("MyWndClass", "MyWndCaption", 1).Window("MyControlClass", "*", 1);

  // Create a new OCRObject object
  OCRObj = OCR.CreateObject(w);

  // Create a new OCROptions object to modify recognition settings
  OCROptions = OCRObj.CreateOptions();

  // The following code modifies the recognition settings

  // Add a new font to the Fonts collection
  Font = OCROptions.Fonts.Add();
  Font.Name = "Tahoma"; // Specify the font name
  Font.Styles.Add(1); // Add the Bold style
  Font.Styles.Add(2); // Add the Italic style
  Font.Sizes.Add(8); // Add the 8 pt size
  Font.Sizes.Add(12); // Add the 12 pt size

  // Add one more font to the Fonts collection
  Font = OCROptions.Fonts.Add();
  Font.Name = "Verdana"; // Specify the font name
  Font.Styles.Add(1); // Add the Bold style
  Font.Styles.Add(2); // Add the Italic style
  Font.Sizes.Add(8); // Add the 8 pt size
  Font.Sizes.Add(12); // Add the 12 pt size

  // Recognize text
  s = OCRObj.GetText(OCROptions);

  // Post results to the log



Thank you.


2 Replies

  • The user contacted the TestComplete Support Team and was able to accomplish this task by installing third-party Android application.