Forum Discussion

mikelococo's avatar
12 years ago

JavaFX 1.3.1 and Slow Startup

Hi Folks,

I'm a new LoadUI user, attracted to the platform by the promise of reusing SoapUI tests that have already been created, and also by the claims of ease of use. I'm off to a very rough start, though. I'm seeing the following issues:

1) Extremely slow startup, over a minute. During most of this time, the CPU and disk are idle while LoadUI fails to load JavaFX 1.3.1 web-resources that don't seem to exist on Oracle's servers anymore. LoadUI does eventually start, but it's hard to tell if these missing resources are causing any of the other issues I'm observing. I've heard the next version of SoapUI will use JavaFX 2.x, but is there a projected date when it will be available? The 1.3.1 dependency seems to be breaking things right now. I'm happy to test
2) Inability to reliably connect to agents. I'm using the AWS AMI for agents, and I seem to able to intermittently connect to some of them, but rarely more than one at a time and rarely the same one twice.
3) Long random pauses in various operations. Distributed a small scenario to an agent can take 30 seconds or a minute, or can complete in 1-2 seconds. Similarly doing a run-once test can complete immediately or seem to hang indefinitely with no error message.

Here's a deeper dive on the JavaFX 1.3.1 and slow startup issue I'm seeing:

- I observed 30-40 seconds of startup delay.

- I fired up the java console during startup and set the trace level to 5. I immediately noted that the progress bar gets stuck at 87% during every load while the following 2 lines repeat over and over again in the console:
network: Cache entry not found [url: ... 1_b101.jar, version: null]
network: Connecting ... 1_b101.jar with proxy=HTTP @ /

- I tried visiting that URL in a browser, but got a 404 even though the filename is clearly listed in the javafx-rt.jnlp available from Oracle's servers.

- I ran the same set of tests on a MacOSX 10.7.4 system, which displays the same symptoms as the Ubuntu box, except the offending file is javafx-rt-lazy-macosx-universal__V1.3.1_b101.jar.

- I attempted to run the same tests on a Windows 7 system, but the installation fails to complete with javascript errors.

It looks to me like Oracle's javaws hosted version of JavaFX 1.3.1 is badly broken. They let the signing certificates expire for 6 weeks earlier this year, and told folks who reported the issue that 1.3.1 would be EOL'ed later this year without giving a date: ... 4#10121494

There are numerous other threads about the JavaFX 1.3.1 downloads disappearing for a day or two before randomly coming back (some of these threads are in the SmartBear forums). Is the JavaFX 2.x LoadUI going to be ready for beta testing sometime soon? I'm happy to look at preview builds, but LoadUI 2.1.1 seems to be in bad shape due to the aging JavaFX dependency.

Mike Lococo

1 Reply

  • SmartBear_Suppo's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    I feel your pain. One workaround is to install the JavaFX 1.3.1 SDK and then start loadUI using the loadUItest.bat file.

    Here are the current startup times on my machine for loadUI 2.1.1 and loadUI 2.5.0-internal:

    • loadUI 2.1.1 cold start: 45 seconds.

    • loadUI 2.1.1 warm start: 20.5 seconds.

    • loadUI 2.5.0-internal: 8.7 seconds.

    Additionally, all the startup issues related to Java Webstart (and some stability issues related to JavaFX 1) are gone

    Here's the current state of loadUI 2.5 -- a preview release is not too far ahead:


    SmartBear Software