Forum Discussion

ynorsa's avatar
Occasional Contributor
9 years ago

Assertion on average after the execution?

I have a Data-driven test, which basically reads a row from a file, perform a SOAP request, wait a bit, then loops back to the beginning.

I'd like to have a global assertion on the average time of the SOAP request, but which is triggered only at the end of the Test Case (because I want it to fail the Test Case if the average response time is higher than the threshold).

Is there a way to do this? How can I define in the Test Case assertion that it targets only the SOAP request, and not all the steps?

2 Replies

    • ynorsa's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Thank you Tanya.

      I have indeed set up an assertion, but I'm only interested on the average value at the end of the entire test.

      I'm going to perform 1000 requests, and I want my test case to fail if, at the end, the average response time is higher than my threshold.

      If I set up my assertion in the normal way, it will fail as soon as the average time will reach that limit, which is not what I want, because it could be temporary slower than normal and get better afterwards.


      Do you think there's a way to achieve what I want?