Forum Discussion

vpetrou's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

Argument -Dsoapui.log4j.config is not working with loadtestrunner.bat

Dear community, 


I am trying to define a custom log4j.xml for my Performance Tests with LoadUI but argument -Dsoapui.log4j.config is not working when running them via loadtestrunner.bat. 

It remains to get the soapui-log4j.xml from the ReadyAPI's folder (C:\Program Files\SmartBear\ReadyAPI-1.9.0\bin)


I work with ReadyAPI 1.9.0 

I give the absolute path of the custom log4j.xml file (not a relative path)


The full command is displayed below: 

C:\Program Files\SmartBear\ReadyAPI-1.9.0\bin\loadtestrunner.bat -Dsoapui.log4j.config="C:\mptt\CSRD2\test-bin\mptt_log4j.xml" -FCSV -r"C:\mptt\CSRD2\test-results\PERF-CAP-CONS-001_Baseline" -Phost= -Pport=7020

Thank you in advance