Forum Discussion

stewmoon's avatar
Occasional Contributor
7 years ago

Modifying existing Headers in REST request using Event Handlers



Currently I have an Event Handler that uses RequestFilter.filterRequest to add a Handler to only certain Test Cases.  

My question is how to Modify existing headers in a REST request using Event Handlers.  Specifically - How would I use an Event Handler to Delete this header, and or Modify the Value of this header.   


I have tried to use the soapui/api ( to find classes that I can use, however I am new to it and am unable to find what I am looking for.

If you do answer this question can you please provide a link to how you found the answer in the api/docs?  

Thank you

6 Replies

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    Not sure If I understand the question.
    If you need to modify certain header value for all the requests(?), then why to delete this header? Please clarify.
  • stewmoon, 


    I had a situation where I needed to change the header in every GET request  (from inside a groovy script at RequestFilter.filterRequest) from json to application/x-www-form-urlencoded. I did not use the headers.clear() operation but had similar operations that the URLs above explain (message 4).  I would guess when assigning headers to request.requestHeaders it is doing a replacement. Here is what I did


    def headers = request.requestHeaders "\n\n\n\n" "                  This is the RequestFilter.filterRequest Groovy Script running now " "\n\n\n\n"
    String theMethod = context.getProperty("httpMethod").toString()

    String theGet = new String("GET") if (theMethod.substring(0, 3) == theGet) { ".....Found a GET!!!!!!!!!!!!!" // In case of a GET request I did the following "headers (right before adding the urlencoded content type): " + headers "headers size now: " + (request.requestHeaders.size()) headers.put( "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") // Replace values with those you need "Added Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" request.requestHeaders = headers "headers size now: " + (request.requestHeaders.size()) // display the header "actual header is " + request.requestHeaders }
    • stewmoon's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Hello Bill and nmrao,


      To clarify it was really two questions:

      Question 1:
      What is the code that Deletes an existing Header.

      What is the code that Modifys an existing Header.

      From looking at the answers it appears I will first need to delete then re-add the header if I want to modify it.

      Both of my questions were answered through this thread.

      Thank you.

      • Nastya_Khovrina's avatar
        SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

        Hi Stewart,


        stewmoon wrote:

        Question 1:
        What is the code that Deletes an existing Header.

        Please see the example of deleting the X-tokenHeader header (if it exists):



        if (request.requestHeaders.containsKey("X-tokenHeader"))
        def headers = request.requestHeaders
        request.requestHeaders = headers


        stewmoon wrote:

        What is the code that Modifys an existing Header.

        You can try adding the if condition in the script, please see an example for the Content-Type header:

        def header =request.getRequestHeaders()
        key,val ->
        if (key == "Content-Type"){
        header['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
        headers.put("Content-Type", 'application/json') 
        request.requestHeaders = headers 

        I hope this helps!